Safety is our priority for all parties involved in the mobility process and therefore we will implement a number of measures in order to minimize the risk of infection and provide the best internship experience in Portugal. #internshipexperiencePT#safetymeasures#portugal  ...

The 6th international meeting of the ROI-MOB project happened in Lisbon, from the 20th to the 22nd of February, hosted by EUROYOUTH Portugal. In the afternoon of the 21st, a Multiplier Event gave the possibility to explain and share the project results to 40 mobility...

 The Project Measuring return on investment from EU VET mobility - ROI-MOB aims at identifying and testing some indicators suitable to measure the “Return on Investment" in EU VET mobility (especially for 19+ years old participants, and EQF levels 4 and higher), in order to increase the...

The general objective of the project WhomeN (Active Socio-occupational integration of Women at risk of social exclusion through the recognition of competences and learning soft skills in order to offer New professional opportunities at home society) is to offer new opportunities and skills to  women in risk of social exclusion (migrants, refugees, long-term unemployed women, young women...

In the context of the project XPTO+ IV - eXcellence in Professional Training Opportunities job shadowing mobilities have been held for the first time with partner schools in Spain and Germany.  These mobilities lasted four days in October 2018. The teachers João Almeida from the Vocational School of Rio Maior and Paulo Martins, from the Vocational School of Fafe, visited the Institut Pere Martell. This school is located in...

For the fifth year in a row, the project XPTO+ V -eXcellence in Professional Training Opportunities was approved andbegan last September. The XPTO consortim is coordinated by EUROYOUTH and formed by four schools -Merging of Santo André schools, Vocational Schools from Rio Maior, Fafe and...