“Olá! Chamo-me Veronica e sou italiana. Eu fiz o meu estágio em Lisboa numa organização non-profit que é um centro artístico e cultural que organiza exposições de arte contemporânea, mas também outras atividades culturais, como conferências, workshops, visitas guiadas.
O estágio foi interessante porque tive a possibilidade de trabalhar na montagem e desmontagem da exposvição e também de trabalhar com artistas, nacionais e internacionais, na criação das peças de arte durante da montagem duma nova exposição.
Além disso, esta organização oferece aos estagiários a oportunidade de desenvolver um projeto pessoal, associado à organização ou uma peça de arte contemporânea exposta. Como projeto pessoal, eu organizei uma performance de dança contemporânea, em relação com a peça de arte intitulada “No Ar” da artista brasileira Laura Vinci, uma fonte de vapor instalada no jardim do Palácio Pombal.
Gostei muito do meu estágio também pelas pessoas que trabalharam comigo, as outras estagiárias e toda a equipa da organização.
Gostei muito também de Lisboa, uma cidade lindíssima, e da cultura portuguesa.”
“Comecei esta experiência com muito interesse para os cães e os animais em geral, queria aprender mais sobre as potencialidades do trabalho com eles.
Foi uma boa escolha! A associação está composta por uma equipa jovem, dinâmica e muito motivada, formada por profissionais da área da saúde humana e animal. Aqui na sede de Lisboa, onde eu faço o meu estágio, há uma psicóloga clínica, uma veterinária e treinadora canina. Mais os protagonistas da associação são os cães, o Bauer e o Trevo!
O Bauer É a mais recente aquisição da equipa. É um Golden Retriever que está a ser educado e treinado para vir a ser um cão de terapia e que se tem mostrado bastante promissor. O seu carácter é exemplar, com um olhar atento e uma capacidade de aprendizagem magnífica. É muito sociável, adora pessoas e brincar com outros animais. O Trevo é também um Golden Retriever, jovem adulto. É extremamente sociável e meigo e óptimo para trabalhar com crianças. Já participou em diversos projectos de Actividades e Terapias Assistidas com idosos, adultos portadores de deficiência e crianças.
Durante estes meses realizamos actividades com grupos de crianças, com objectivos lúdicos, motivacionais e por vezes educativos, participei a aulas de treino canino que a veterinária da associação tem em Évora e aprendi muito sobre esta área, que pode encontrar aplicação também nos serviços sociais.”
“The key words were intensity, professionalism and perseverance. From this point of view I can only applaud the associations that have always been available, and especially once you get there in Portugal, there were no “surprises” than we stipulated. In the first few days I made a visit to the infrastructure where I met my tutor, got presented to the team and to the host organization (history, work, mission, strategic objectives, etc.).
During all the weeks, the experience took place in a completely satisfying way. From the first steps into a new field, the stimuli were not missed and my tasks were carried out with passion. The definition of a work and marketing plan was helpful to define a roadmap and to focus daily on the various tasks to be performed.
I wish to the further participants to have fun, as I had, and approaching to this experience with a positive attitude and a good mind. The proposals for internships are valid and exciting, perhaps even exceeding expectations. This was very exciting for me and it was a great possibility. Time is short, however, and I hope for you the highest concentration and professionalism. Focus on the goals and never forget to smile and live with happiness this experience!”
Radia, Bologna
“Tenha a coragem de sair de casa, deixar o seu país e partir para uma nova aventura como esta, porque por muito que vá, não se arrependerá. Prepare-se com o conhecimento de que voltará uma pessoa completamente diferente: conhecerá melhor a si próprio, será testado em muitos contextos da vida quotidiana, enfrentará desafios muitas vezes em total autonomia, aprenderá uma nova língua, e quem sabe, talvez encontre o seu melhor amigo ou amor pela vida… Abrace esta experiência, deixe-se surpreender, mas acima de tudo, parta com todo o seu coração. Tive o grande prazer de participar no projecto ERASMUS+ durante 3 meses em Lisboa, Portugal, e asseguro-vos que será muito difícil regressar a casa e à rotina habitual. Deixo um grande pedaço do meu coração neste país maravilhoso e levo comigo memórias maravilhosas.
Até breve lisboa e obrigado por tudo!
Agradeço a Madalena e Petronela da EUROYOUTH pelo seu apoio durante toda a minha estadia no país.
Matteo, Modena
“Very stimulating, interesting and useful internship”
“I now have an experience abroad, not only as a student but also as a worker.”
Energy Company
“Our company has received several Erasmus+ trainees, which has been quite enriching both because they bring new ideas and a different aproach to our project but also because they become role models for our team. People who travel abroad are an example of courage and boldness.”
Matteo, Milan
“Overall I consider this experience a very good one. I got used to work in English, that I think it’s a very good thing for my future work and to understand Portuguese and exchange in small conversation. I’m happy to have understood what it means to work for a consulting company where all the projects have many requests, requirements to respect and deadlines. I’m glad to have done this experience in a small company where all the social interactions are easier and more human. I’m also happy to have known many people from all over the world with different stories and habits.”
“Having the possibility to go a foreign country with ERASMUS+ and EUROYOUTH was probably the most wonderful, and probably, the biggest opportunity I’ve had so far!
When I was still in Italy at first i was a bit skeptical about everything Erasmus was offering, and when they told me that I’ll need to live with 2 strangers in an apartment for a month I felt really sad.. I was mentally prepared to stay a month abroad, but I thought I’d live with the friends that were going with me that are from my same city.
I could not be more wrong. From day one I instantly had an awesome friendship with the 2 new strangers, that I could already call Friends!
And here comes the best part, I worked in a Dental clinic as a dental assistant, and even though I wasn’t able to do much because language barriers, or even “professional” barriers, everyone was super nice to me and always involved me in their work and tried to explain everything they did and even have nice conversations, etc.
All in all I had a blast, I visited Lisbon and I liked every bit of it, I met a lot of new people and made new friends, and I even had the opportunity to meet Ronaldo after Portugal won its first European Championship!”
“Com certeza, a minha experiência de o programa Leonardo em Lisboa foi a mais importante dos meus 25 anos: uma oportunidade para crescer, conhecer muitas pessoas de diferentes nacionalidades, aprender o Português, e para trabalhar em um campo relacionado com as minhas habilitações. O meu dia-a-dia em Lisboa foi muito feliz e cheio de emoções e momentos que eu lembrarei por toda a vida como uma página da minha historia pessoal que teve grande significado.
EUROYOUTH foi um importante ponto de referência no período de dez semanas que fui em Lisboa: quando uma pessoa ganha uma bolsa em um pais estrangeiro, è extremamente útil ter uma organização que cuida de encontrar um estágio adequado e também no inicio ajuda a familiarizar com a cidade e sua cultura, promovendo visitas culturais e informal meetings onde pode se encontrar outras pessoas que ganhou o mesmo programa.
Lisboa está no meu coração: è uma cidade maravilhosa e cada praça, rua e miradouro lembra-me um momento especial que eu vivi com os amigos que ali tive a boa sorte de conhecer!
A memória do meu tempo em Lisboa, vai estar sempre ligada à sensação de ter experimentado um lugar como a casa onde eu nasci.”
“Although the language barrier had its difficulties, it was a very fulfilling experience to work with people from different countries such as Spain, Italy and of course Portugal. In conclusion, this placement has been a very rewarding and enjoyable experience.”
Hairdressing Salon
“At professional level, the sharing of experiences has been extraordinary, specially for my team. Those trainees, even though very young, bring different skills and the exchange leaves us stronger (…). I totally recommend companies to receive trainees from the Erasmus programme. “
“My experience in Lisbon was spectacular! On a professional level I cannot have complaints of any kind both related with the hosting company where I did my professional internship, as well as with EUROYOUTH since, at all times, they were always available for any problem or doubt and did a great job in everything related with my stay. As for the personal level, I have seen very few cities that are more beautiful then Lisbon and the friendliness of the people is unparalleled! My final grade is 20 out of 10”
UK Partner
“In the latter years we have worked closely with EUROYOUTH in the execution of our Leonardo da Vinci PLM projects (…). The benefits of this partnership have impacted and extended to other areas of our business… plus we’ve met some great colleagues!”
Spanish Partner
“Thanks to EUROYOUTH’s invaluable partnership cooperation, about 30 students have been able to accomplish a 3 month internship in Lisbon (…). EUROYOUTH has managed to give them the needed support without blocking their personal development or expectations. “
“It was an experience that I will remember all my life. This experience in Lisbon was the most beautiful thing I’ve done, really rewarding at the personnel point and professional too. Today I’m ready to go anywhere around the world thanks to this experience. It makes me more open-minded. I feel myself stronger, ready to do more things alone now. Moreover all the Portuguese people are incredible, very friendly and always here when we need something.”
“I am very happy to participate in the project Leonardo, to be here in Lisbon. This experience, for me the first time abroad, is openness to diversity and multiculturalism, the beginning of a growth that allowed me to compare myself, my limits, and my skills with another rich and exciting culture, and grow not only professionally, but also humanely. Until next time!”
“I came to Lisboa to live a new professional internship experience in the Architecture field, as well as to meet a new culture, language and city. All these “things” made me fell in love with LISBOA!
During my internship programme EUROYOUTH staff was always present, giving me support from the arrival until the departure, from finding a room to live, workplacement and in everything else that was essential for my stay and beginning of my new life in Lisboa!
Besides having my first professional experience, what also marked me the most was that it was in Lisboa that I found my future husband! Lisboa is a unique city, full of light! And above all with very good people!”
Maila & Laura
“Doing a professional stage in another country where people speak a different language and where you are in contact with a different culture, is not only a professional experience that gives you the chance to learn methods and strategies of work, but also a life experience!”
“Our experience was in Apelação, specifically its School, its Community Centre and its “bairro” (Quinta da Fonte). Apelação is a place where much work is needed and the Association through the project “Projectar Lideranca”, a project that created a net of people that work together, did and still does a good job. We were lucky to meet and work with many operators which want to give back to the place and to the people living there the dignity they deserve. We were welcomed in a big family where we could share and earn something really special. We can surely say that we will come back to our homes full of enriching memories.”
“My internship was successful. I have learnt new knowledge and skills related with my professional area, new thematic as the human trafficking, prostitution and female genital mutilation (…) It wasn´t a boring work, every week was different, taking different areas. I have learnt the work related with this organization.
My mentor, she was always helping me, solving my doubts. And when we worked together it was successful and positive. The other colleagues always were taking care of me, helping me and teaching me. I was one more in the team.
EUROYOUTH was very helpful, when they were looking for the internship, according our profile and personality, I am so glad with their work. In my personal level, I have gained a lot of knowledge and a very powerful self-esteem and I take it as a positive and great experience.”
“My internship in Lisbon has been a great experience! I designed postcards and newsletters. It was a complete new experience for me. My boss gave me the freedom to be as creative as I wanted to. It was great working with her and her amazing team! Not just at my internship also through my whole stay in Lisbon I met wonderful people who became true friends! Lisbon is an amazing city with a lot cultural facilities and a fantastic life style. I can just recommend this project. The type of experience you never forget. It changes your life in a positive way and helps you to become more confident for your future job!”
“My name is Nicole and I’ve done my internship in Lisbon. I’ve worked in a lab of microbiology, I liked it a lot because I was always busy and if I was having any question my tutors were always ready to listen and explain me. I’ve learned a lot of things; I think everything that I’ve learned will be really important for my future job.
Lisbon is not a big capital but it’s really nice, especially in summer. I stayed for a little bit more than two months and I’ve enjoyed the sun going to the beach all the weekends, also the night life is cool: the center of the city is always a party!
Some suggestion if you’re living in Lisbon: you must try pastel de nata, go to some restaurants in Alfama, you should go to Sintra, enjoy the sun and take some lessons of Portuguese or the first period it’s going to be hard!!”
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