11 Dec Job Shadowing Mobilities
In the context of the project XPTO+ IV – eXcellence in Professional Training Opportunities job shadowing mobilities have been held for the first time with partner schools in Spain and Germany. These mobilities lasted four days in October 2018.
The teachers João Almeida from the Vocational School of Rio Maior and Paulo Martins, from the Vocational School of Fafe, visited the Institut Pere Martell. This school is located in Tarragon and is a public institution of targeted vocational training that counts with more than 20 courses from nine professional fields. The teachers were welcomed by the International Mobility Coordinator, Òscar Ferré. During the four days of activities, the teachers had the opportunity to visit the school facilities and attend “telecommunications installation”, and “computer and communications systems” classes, visit 2 companies (ENE Telecom and Plana Fàbrega) and participate in meetings with the professors from the respective departments.
In Germany, the educational director, Lina Candeias, from the Institute of Vocational Education and Training, and the teacher Margarida Batista, from the Merging of Santo André Schools visited
he Berufliche Oberschule (FOS/BOS). This school is located in Bayreuth and it is a professional teaching institution that provides courses in the areas of Design, Health, Technology and Economy. Corinna Grebber, coordinator of the international department, supported the reception. During the four days of activities, the participants had the opportunity to visit the facilities of the school, attend classes, meet the various departments and participate in a debate about the challenges in education and about good practices. They still had the time to attend workshops and know more about projects promoted by this school.
The feedback of the four participants at the end of the mobilities was very positive. In addition, this international experience counts for their personal and professional growth and the sending school will also certainly benefit with the experience and the knowledge they have gained in the context of mobilities Job Shadowing.