21 Mar ROI-MOB: 6th International Meeting and Multiplier Event
The 6th international meeting of the ROI-MOB project happened in Lisbon, from the 20th to the 22nd of February, hosted by EUROYOUTH Portugal. In the afternoon of the 21st, a Multiplier Event gave the possibility to explain and share the project results to 40 mobility participants, sending and hosting organisations/companies.
This was an important moment for the Project, as several management issues were approach like the presentation of the External Evaluator report, the closure of previous work packages regarded with survey application and planning of the next and final project output – “Guidelines and recommendations for measurement of ROI of EU VET mobility experiences”.
The first part of the Multiplier Event opened the space for greater knowledge of mobility by the presentation XPTO+, the project and consortium lead by EUROYOUTH. Besides the project presentation, schools and participants gave their testimony and answered the questions launched by the audience and ROI-MOB partners. The videos presented are available here.
However, the major achievement was the presentation of the Indicator of Return of Mobility to the partners, but also to a large audience of persons and organisations participating in mobility project during the Multiplier Event. Professor Luigi Fabbris, from the University of Padova – Italy, made this presentation after the introduction to the project by Luca Boetti, project coordinator, on behalf of IFOA. This multiplier event was closed with the presentation of the results collected in Portugal – the Portuguese National Report, that will soon be available online in ROI-MOB and EUROYOUTH websites.