WhomeN Project Presentation

The general objective of the project WhomeN (Active Socio-occupational integration of Women at risk of social exclusion through the recognition of competences and learning soft skills in order to offer New professional opportunities at home society) is to offer new opportunities and skills to  women in risk of social exclusion (migrants, refugees, long-term unemployed women, young women with low level of education, single mothers, unemployed women, over 45,…) for improving their qualifications and thus their levels of employability and integration into the society, mainly through innovative methodologies of recognition of skills and competences that include transversal and soft skills. 

The way to implement it will be through the creation of a Protocol for the broader and more inclusive recognition of professional skills, after implementing training sessions for professionals in adult education. 

One of these sessions was held in Sofia (Bulgaria) last July and was attended by the partners, as well as trainers working with the target groups, where the parameters defined in the Training Curriculum and Pedagogical Materials were put into practice. See here the video and the feedback from partners before and after the Training. 

The Qualitative Study Research of the training and soft skills needs of the target groups was carried out by the partner countries during the first months of this year, which reviews and conclusions will be available from November onwards. Check the project website: https://whomen.eu/ 

This Study aims to implement an Interactive Platform where it will be possible to evaluate soft-skills by the target group as well as by potential employers. 

The third International Meeting and the second Adult Training Course will be held in Riga (Latvia) in April 2019 to evaluate the implementation of the Protocol in women at risk of social exclusion. 


You can learn more about the Project in this video or read the brochure in English. 

